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Application Questions and Answers «»

The file is a picture, not a link
How can you make the files that are stored in the additional product field when inserted into a document (via a template) immediately become a pict...
Formatting numbers in document templates
Good day, tell me how to set the document template so that the separator is a comma, and there is a space between the thousands. Thank you!
1 answer
17.05.2024, friday, 11:47
FTP accesses
Please email FTP access for boxing https://merezhatepla.1b.app/ Thank you)
1 answer
15.05.2024, wednesday, 14:04
How to pass a product when an event is executed
When creating a product, updating or updating stock balances, you need to send this information to the url address. How is this possible?
Finalization of Checkbox fiscalization
Good day! Such a question We have the following service processes https://kiyservice.1b.app/97429/ it is used to repair household appliances but so...
2 answer
14.05.2024, tuesday, 12:03
It is necessary to change the base currency of the system to USD
Good day. Please change the base currency of the https://muk-training.1b.app system to USD Thanks in advance!
Creating a process for each product separately
Good day! Process example https://kiyservice.1b.app/97229/ it contains 4 products I need to create a separate subprocess for each product Tell me w...
1 answer
10.05.2024, 17:09
Doesn't work Hourly
Good afternoon. After the renewal today, the Hourly module stopped working. the money was withdrawn, everything lasted, but it doesn’t work in boxi...
4 answer
Managers and service stopped seeing attachments
From today, the Managers and service groups stopped seeing attachments in the order header. process example https://tcbs.crm-onebox.com/60015/ Ther...
3 answer
10.05.2024, 11:00
Creating an order.
I create an order using the API. Data used to create an order: [{:name=>"test", :workflowid=>1, :statusid=>1, :productinfo=>{:id=>1, :findbyArray=>...