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Application Questions and Answers «»

2015565551 - Refinement of the BP action “Aurama receive the status of the parcel”
For the BP action “Aurama get the status of the parcel”, the setting “Additional field from which to take the TTN number is improved (if the field ...
2015567344 - Improvement of the action “Parse events and audio recordings from Ringostat”
For the automatic action once a minute “Parse events and audio recordings from Ringostat”, the setting “Use UTM source and UTM campaign to find the...
2015553740 - Setting in permissions “Allow to see phone numbers”
Improved access rights setting "Global :: Allow to see phone numbers" - if it is disabled, the employee will see only the last 4 digits o...
2015566570 - Improvement of the BP action “Check for the presence of added process contacts in the process”
The BP action “Check for the presence of added process contacts in the process” has been improved. When switching to the status, the action checks ...
2015566570 - Improvement of the BP action “Check for the presence of added process contacts in the process”
The BP action “Check for the presence of added process contacts in the process” has been improved. When switching to the status, the action checks ...
2015561827 - BP action "Export processes to Google spreadsheets"
The BP action “Export processes to Google spreadsheets” has been improved. The action is triggered when switching to a stage and exports processes ...
2015069194 - Improved action “Upload products/categories/filters/characteristics to opencart (via database)”
For the automatic action “Upload products/categories/filters/characteristics to opencart (via database)”, the checkbox "Export main category t...
2015548427 - Improvement of the setting “Open the current user's card from the menu instead of the My profile page"
Improved the setting “Open the current user card from the menu instead of the My profile page”, if it is enabled, then when clicking on the name in...
2015563941 - Refinement of the process filter by brands
Improved process filter “Filter by processes relative to brands”
2015562504 - Improvement in the process filter "Date of creation"
For the "Date of creation" process filter, the setting “Enable filtering by time interval” has been improved