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Application Questions and Answers «»

2015777787 - Added process fields to display in global search
The ability to display process fields in the global search has been improved: - the amount of the process; - the remainder to be paid.
2015780771 - Improved the functionality of the "WordPress / Import Orders" action
For automatic action once a minute "WordPress / Import orders" added the setting "Download the last N orders (by default - loaded fo...
2015778320 - Improved functionality in the "Product Import Block"
For the "Products import block" process interface block, the option "Search products by additional product field" and the selec...
2015767570 - Improved the functionality of the action "Universal import of products (xml/json)"
Added setting "Do not update products with an additional field equal to the selected value (a new product will be created)" for the autom...
2015767304 - Improved functionality of integration with Ukrposhta
Added process block "Ukrposhta information about TTN" . Shown only if there is a log. Ukrposhta class in delivery (if you choose Ukrposht...
2015771474 - Improved /api/orders/update/ method
Added the files parameter to the /api/orders/update/ method ( link or array of links to files that need to be downloaded and added to the process d...
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ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
24.03.2021, 10:21
OneBox Business User CRM Academy
Max, I am writing to you with a proposal to increase the number of satisfied entrepreneurs using OneBox cloud. I have a training course. In 7 weeks...
2015763426 - Added action "Create a process if the user is not logged in from the specified IP address"
Added automatic action once per minute "Create a process if the user is not logged in from the specified IP address". Once per minute, th...
2015766843 - Improved the functionality of the action "Distribute payments without a category into categories based on a comment to the payment"
For the automatic action once per hour "Distribute payments without a category into categories based on a comment to the payment", the se...
2015764939 - Added setting "Ignore the presence of optional materials"
The checkbox "Ignore the presence of optional materials" has been added, which works when specifying the setting "If the product is ...