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Application Questions and Answers «»

0 replies
26.09.2022, 16:43
Invisibility of API description and actual work
Attaching the description of the totalsumcheck field from the API. In fact, the system records the difference in the Additional expenses field, whi...
3 answer
26.09.2022, 16:37
Switch the process status depending on the presence of processes for the client
Actions configured https://datapoint.center/admin/shop/workflowstatus/141/action/new/ Created a process https://datapoint.center/admin/customorder/...
3 answer
26.09.2022, 14:14
The upload file on Prom is not formed and updated
The upload file on Prom is not formed and updated Box https://omg.1b.app Actions installed and configured. It used to work, but for some reason it ...
3 answer
26.09.2022, 13:05
Throws 500 error when forming a process
There was a topic earlier https://1b.app/ru/forum/business-processes/15103-pri-formirovanii-protsessa-vida... We increased the paramete...
10 replies
26.09.2022, 12:47
Clean disk
Good day Can you see what you can see, clean up so that you can fill the place? but what is borrowing money? https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/shop/sta...
Not correctly displaying the number of contacts in the category
https://hdp.1b.app/desktop/ Bachimo in category without group showing 1580 contacts. But if it is transferable, then there are no contacts in this ...
4 answer
26.09.2022, 11:23
Do not create a form if the URL parameters contain an order id
Here is a form https://timelearn.1b.app/form/2939/8/ here are its settings https://timelearn.1b.app/app/forms/11/edit/ in her parameters 2939 is th...
1 answer
26.09.2022, 11:13
API filters 2
Please tell me how to make an ID selection - I've already tried everything
1 answer
26.09.2022, 11:07
Error when creating document with QR
Here is the process https://entertainment.1b.app/26/ Created a document in it https://entertainment.1b.app/app/document/6/control/ using a variable...
4 answer
26.09.2022, 11:05
Evaluate the refinement of the qr code variable
Here is the document template https://entertainment.1b.app/app/document/templates/1/control/ We can use product qr id row:product_qr_productid it ...