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06.09.2022, 17:50
CRM-ERP configuration of OneBox OS:Sales system for sales representatives
The company Astelit Group promotes the configuration of the CRM-ERP system OneBox OS:Sales for sales representatives. The system allows: • create a...
CRM for managing company orders
We need a system for convenient management of orders and tasks of the company. You need to see the movement of processes and the load on the perfor...
Hostel Automation
You need to automate the work of the hostel. First of all it is: 1. customer base 2. fixation of occupied and free numbers 3. layout of rooms with ...
PPO setting
It is necessary to set up the work of cash registers at retail outlets from scratch on a turnkey basis. Internet is available, they work with andro...
Contact center system
There is a customer contact center (physical) you need to set up work in a single window for the operator 1. filling in 6 fields (task/name/phone, ...
CRM for real estate
There is a company selling apartments (secondary market) - we have 50 realtors who work as they want and we don't like it. It is necessary to o...
CRM for rental
Need a system to set up a bike/scooter rental company. You need to keep track of your clients. The most important thing is that the bike is approxi...
Service center system
Need a system to restore order in the service center for the repair of scooters. Need: 1. customer base 2. mailings (sms/mail) 3. registration of a...
Law firm optimization
There is a legal firm - it is necessary to optimize the processes of the company's employees. Basically, this is a document flow and a client b...
2015936768 - Added an update to the "Append a record to the deadline based on the value of the process add-on field" dialog
For the "Append record to the finisher based on the value of the append field to the process" task, an adjustment was added to ensure tha...