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Application Questions and Answers «»

2013703440 - Improved supplier price list loading functionality
Previously: When loading the price list, the sale price of the product became 0. Improved: Once loaded, the price of the product is fixed as RRP.
2013702910 - Improved the functionality of the action "Upload business processes in the specified process to XLS"
There is some additional field “ХХХ” in the project card, for example, with the check mark type. How do you use the action: 1. From the project, co...
2013706880 - The ability to display a description of the process stage in the client's personal account is set
GOAL: Display a description for the client in the form of a brief instruction on the stage of the process, which he can view through his personal a...
2013707972 - The functionality of the action “Change the business process and the status of the current, parent and all subordinate tasks” has been improved
Added settings in the form of checkmarks: Change the business process and the status of all parent processes of customers, if this is an order to a...
2013693769 - Improved the functionality of the action “Sell the contents of the process from the warehouse”
For the action, we added the “Sell the contents of the process from the warehouse” checkbox “Sell products of the parent order”. The parent order w...
2013701554 - Added Analogs variable to email templates
1. The analogsArray array became available in mailings (working with it is similar to displaying order products), the array contains data: 'id&...
2013701544 - Improved the functionality of the action “Import commerceml2 contacts”
There is a certain xml file with contact data. Upload the file to a local folder, specify the path to the file in the action. It is possible to imp...
2013701618 - Improved functionality of access rights to the knowledge base
Added setting for selecting access to a KB article: access by role; access by full name of the employee of the company. As a result, you can set wh...
2013705306 - Added “Text insert block” for personal account
The option “Insert text block” has been added to the interface designer of the pages of the personal account
2013706132 - Improved the functionality of the action “Generate expected payments based on order products”
Added the ability to write the value of the date of the expected payment in the additional field of the order product from the drop-down list.