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Application Questions and Answers «»

2015962006 - Added setting to "LiqPay two-step payment / Change funds blocking status" action
A setting has been added for the action "LiqPay two-step payment / Change funds blocking status" that allows you to make a partial refund.
2015964597 - The process filter by suppliers has been improved
For the process list filter "Process Vendor" added the ability to select multiple vendors at the same time.
2015964757 - Added setting to "Sell process content from warehouse" action
For the action "Sell process content from warehouse" item "Responsible process warehouse" has been added. Allows to use the com...
5 replies
15.02.2023, 18:26
No popup appears
We changed telephony from phonet to binotel, the settings are made in the same way. sent them a request. The window does not appear.
11 replies
15.02.2023, 17:04
CRM does not work
When opening the link, the screen is completely white, what could be the reason? I am adding a screenshot.
4 answer
15.02.2023, 16:11
Action Refinement: CSV Product Integration (Export)
Guys, I need help and improvement. There is an action "Integrate CSV Products (Export)" on the watch crown. I need to pass an "additional product f...
8 replies
15.02.2023, 15:33
Delivery to Rozetka pick-up points - Calculate rework
Delivery to Rozetka pick-up points - Calculate rework Is this update ready? Someone writes that he is already using it. Does this functionality exi...
6 replies
ТОРГОБОРУД начальник відділу зі збуту
15.02.2023, 10:42
unable to apply customize desktop for all users. I am attaching a screen with the text that appears when I try to use this function, how can I stil...
9 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
15.02.2023, 10:29
Independent expertise from iCOLOR Process Workshop We test business processes before you start using them
To integrators: You have Customers who need simple and efficient business processes. You develop such processes and need to test them on independen...
2015964745 - Added setting to "Write additional product field value instead of URL" action
For the "Format product URL according to the template" action, the setting "Record the value of the additional product field instead...