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Application Questions and Answers «»

2015961839 - The functionality of the "Products by table" block has been improved
For the "Products by table" process interface block, an option has been added: - see balances on all cells in the field "Balances in...
2015964693 - Added settings for importing orders from Magenta
For the action of importing orders from Magenta, the setting "Do not fill in information about the recipient's address in the block of New...
2 answer
27.02.2023, 23:46
picture to message
Can you tell me if it's possible to add a picture to a message? I also can’t figure out how to make a button and attach a link to the button
1 answer
27.02.2023, 18:10
Questions about the action "Find process and merge with current"
Searched for a solution how it is possible to merge two processes into one and came across the action "Find process and merge with the current one"...
2 answer
27.02.2023, 15:52
How to hide a university. block in process for the role
There is an employee of "Vasya" with 2 roles "leader" and "manager" In the Universal process block, I hide the block for the "manager" role. In thi...
3 answer
27.02.2023, 14:46
Accrual of bonuses to 2 or more employees
at the stage there is an action "Calculate bonuses" where I specify 2 employees and a fixed amount of UAH 100. UAH 100 will be charged to each empl...
10 replies
27.02.2023, 14:25
Duplicate control
Is it possible in the system to control the processes that enter the funnel in such a way that the value of the field (or additional or contact fie...
4 answer
27.02.2023, 13:16
Default personal account
When you change the default cabinet, the previous one remains ticked in the list of cabinets.
1 answer
27.02.2023, 12:50
Complete the action "Monobank Statement"
It is necessary to add the setting "Set the payment client to the client of the found process" for the "Monobank Statement" action, so that when li...
1 answer
How to split an order into several items depending on the products
There is an order for three dishes: Pizza Burger Salad It is necessary that each cook has his order, a task with his dish, so that he starts cookin...