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Application Questions and Answers «»

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12.12.2024, 13:57
Automatically indicates the cost
How to make it so that when choosing a procedure code (codes are automatically pulled from another page), the price is immediately automatically in...
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Data transfer from Onebox to Looker Studio
Good day What is the possibility and how much will it cost to implement the transfer of data (BP, payments) to the Looker report designer? Currentl...
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10.12.2024, 19:29
The "Create reminder" action does not work when moving to a stage
The "Create Reminder" action was set up in two different process types about two months ago. The "Show pop-up reminder" box is checked Until today,...
Error_Difference of amounts in Payments and Cashiers and Cashflow
Good day! Please explain the reason for the difference between the amounts 1. Payments and cash registers (for November) https://kiyservice.1b.app/...
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06.12.2024, 14:03
Action failure - every day new duplicates of products.
Since the beginning of the month, the "Import products from CMS ExtraParts" action on every run, instead of updating existing products, started cre...
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ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
04.12.2024, 10:04
ASSESSMENT: One-time cross-numbering of tasks Examination by a specialist, which are tasks of the second level and are sub-tasks of the Medical Card
We are faced with a difficult task that needs to be solved. This should be done once. The task is as follows: 1. There is an array of data. 2. ...
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03.12.2024, 22:56
The Universal import of goods will eventually work
When importing, the following fields are not loaded: product description, supplier quantity, characteristics and additional fields
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ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
30.11.2024, 21:58
iCOLOR: We implement business processes. Is it painful? But effective!
We implement business processes Is it painful? But effective! https://icoloronebox.org.ua/configure-crm-erp-bpm/
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30.11.2024, 13:39
Global Search has stopped working!
Global Search stopped working https://shopforcars.crm-onebox.com/app/search/ please check, it is impossible to work
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28.11.2024, 12:58
Night applications are unloaded in the early morning
On 27.11, the applications left during the night were unloaded on Wednesday at 08:47 On 28.11, the applications left during the night were unload...