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Application Questions and Answers «»

2015247554 - Improvement of the action “Change a process step when there are enough products in stock”
For the action “Change a process stage when there are enough products in stock”, settings have been added that allow you to specify that while the ...
2015230958 - Improvement of integration with viber
- in the automatic action “Turn a viber message into a business process”, the ability to select an account for which the action is configured has b...
2015240204 - Added a setting to the action “Calculate and write the value in an additional field”
For the BP action “Calculate and write the value to the additional field”, the “Action triggers” setting has been added - where you can select from...
2015246284 - Improvement of the action “Change the value of a process field depending on another process field”
For the action "Change the value of a process field depending on another process field", the ability to use regular expressions has been ...
2015245881 - Added structure display setting
The setting “Display a simplified view of the role editing page for employees” has been improved, if the checkbox is enabled, the structure interfa...
2015234286 - Added setting for viewing warehouse operation
Added the setting “When viewing a warehouse operation, calculate the value of the field "Quantity in stock before action" in real time”. ...
2015243655 - Added BP action "Copy process products"
A new business process action "Copy process products" has been added, which, when switching to a stage, adds products to the process that...
2015241750 - Added filter by processes with employee comments
Added filter for processes “Processes with employee comments” - allows you to sort processes in which the selected employee left comments
2015243674 - Added a setting to the “Product table” block
In the interface settings of the product search window, for the “Product table” block, the ability to display the “unit of measure” field has been ...
2015243552 - Added automatic action "Update all products that participated in warehouse operations"
Added a new automatic action once per hour “Update all products that participated in warehouse operations” . When triggered, the action updates the...