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Application Questions and Answers «Forms»

1 answer
how to get short form link ?
There is a checkbox in the form settings and you can somehow get this link in some extra. field ? If you use just setting then it is long and obv...
2 answer
20.10.2021, 14:28
Display forms in mobile devices
Form functionality - there is one problem - when passing a link in the domen.com/form/67628/1/ format, if this link is opened on a mobile device, t...
The form has ceased to correct
If there are any options for completing the form, you can see a pardon ( Vchora everything worked out. https://astelitgroup.crm-onebox.com/admin/fo...
1 answer
Sending 2 forms at once_2
https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/other/10487-otpravka-2-h-form-srazu/ - there was a consultation and an answer It was about action_block_status_f...
1 answer
22.03.2021, 13:05
Shorten the link to the survey form
Good afternoon. Could not find anything in the settings and actions. Please clarify whether it is possible by means of the system to make the link ...
1 answer
21.03.2021, 23:01
Checking the validity of additional fields for the survey form
Here are two fields https://venbest.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/orderfield/112/ https://venbest.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/orderfield/113/ In fact, ph...
3 answer
Ukrposhta overlay is not pulled into the form of manual creation of Ukrposhta ttn
- Ukrposhta overlay is not pulled into the form for manually creating ttn sample https://adapter.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/10062/edit/...
4 answer
22.02.2021, 14:27
Form http://crm.mebelok.com/admin/forms/8/edit/ Here https://prnt.sc/103q9gk Can you insert variables? If yes, please tell me in what way.
1 answer
06.02.2021, 13:14
Send survey form to client
Hello! Where are these survey forms configured?
7 replies
Rate revision (forms)
We have the functionality of forms, it is necessary it is necessary to evaluate the refinement so that the values \u200b\u200bof customer data are ...