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Application Questions and Answers «Remove data»

3 answer
27.01.2025, 21:42
Need to clear data in system 52gb
It is unclear what files occupy 52 GB of data in the system and continue to occupy memory space at high speed (2-3 GB), despite the fact that few o...
2 answer
09.09.2024, 16:05
The cost of the data cleaning program in the case of using licenses
There is a box with payment per user. In the application it is written: "There are no additional charges. You only pay for the OneBox user." But...
1 answer
Is it possible to clear the memory once without installing the application?
Tell me whether it is possible to use the service of one-time cleaning of the system memory, and how much it will cost? I connected the mail and al...
Optimize site performance
We need to increase the performance of opening a product card on the website This is the product card block PageSpeed ​​Insights shows on average 4...
4 answer
14.12.2023, 10:37
Order a one-time cleaning of system memory
Hello! Please invoice for a one-time cleaning of system memory https://box1.luxshina.ua/desktop/ Important cleaning points are listed below: Clear ...
3 answer
15.09.2023, 09:33
Need to clean MVP
Good day. Colleagues, please help. Who can clean the MVP, slow down the monster...
1 answer
13.09.2023, 17:32
Product images are deleted in the automatic action "Clear data on deleted products"
Hello When I enable the “Clear data on deleted products” action, photos from non-deleted products are deleted. Even if I added a product photo via ...
3 answer
04.08.2023, 09:28
Out of disk space
Displays an error that the disk space has probably run out. Although in fact there is still about 40% free space. And the second question is how to...
2 answer
04.05.2023, 15:47
cleaning exported files does not work
Good afternoon. Questions about the "Delete old files" automation. Fixed deleting export files. Delete exported files created more than: 7 days ago...
clearing orders
Hello, there was a desire to clean the box using this application. Got a question: If I delete old orders, then: 1) Are the contacts associated wit...