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Application Questions and Answers «Currencies»

2 answer
14.05.2024, 12:03
It is necessary to change the base currency of the system to USD
Good day. Please change the base currency of the https://muk-training.1b.app system to USD Thanks in advance!
1 answer
Change the base currency on the system
I ask you to change the base currency to UAH on the system https://avanticosmetics.1b.app/
3 answer
Personal license
17.01.2024, 17:02
You need to change the main currency of the box to the dollar.
Please change the main currency of the box https://ect.1b.app/desktop/ to dollar.
3 answer
20.09.2023, 00:04
Editing Currency
Guys, I have a question. The point is that I added automation to the products. Calculate the value using the formula and write it in the specified ...
3 answer
Glitch - After changing to a higher currency, it can change itself to a smaller one within a day
During this week, the exchange rate of the dollar was changed several times, increasing it. As the day went by, we opened this page and it turned o...
4 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
24.08.2023, 11:21
Change the main currency from hryvnia to zloty
Here in this project https://iivancom.1b.app/32/ Please change the main currency.
2 answer
20.07.2023, 10:38
Change of base currency
Hello! Boxing - integrade.1b.app. I ask you to change the base currency to KZT (tenge) and change the time zone to +6 Almaty. Thanks in advance!
2 answer
18.07.2023, 12:50
change default currency
Hello! Boxing - massagan.1b.app. Please change the time zone to +6 Almaty and set the default currency to KZT (Tenge).
4 answer
20.06.2023, 10:57
Auto-update of exchange rates
Good day Please let me know how the auto-update of courses works now From which platforms can the course be taken automatically? And what currencie...
1 answer
02.05.2023, 11:06
The list of course update days does not change
It is not possible to edit the list of days for updating the exchange rate, if all days were previously set.