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Application Questions and Answers «Currencies»

6 replies
Personal license
30.08.2022, 18:09
OS write the custom value in the exchange rate variable
The client's base currency is USD exchange rate to the hryvnia, respectively, in the form of 0.0242 it is necessary that the usual rate of 40 c...
1 answer
Personal license
17.08.2022, 11:43
Please change the currency for Kazakhstan
https://bestorg.1b.app/app/currency/ You need to install the main KZT thank you
4 answer
Change your base currency
https://gadgetplanet.1b.app/app/currency/ - client box Now the base currency is $ Please put UAH
4 answer
28.06.2022, 11:03
Loading exchange rates for the previous year
Good day, it so happened that we need to upload payments from the private sector for the whole of last year, the box in our company was set up so t...
1 answer
05.05.2022, 07:58
Change base currency
Good afternoon! I ask you to change the base currency to KZT - azing.1b.app Thank you!
1 answer
03.05.2022, 09:37
Change base currency
Good afternoon! I ask you to change the base currency to KZT - flexservice.1b.app Thank you!
1 answer
18.04.2022, 15:55
change base currency
Good afternoon! I ask you to change the base currency to KZT in the box futuristica.1b.app Thank you!
9 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
23.02.2022, 15:39
OS - exchange rate variable for currencies
It is necessary to take out the value of the current rate of active currencies for calculation in processes. What variable to take for the exchange...
1 answer
26.01.2022, 09:25
Change base currency - ergo.1b.app
Please change the base currency to MDL
1 answer
25.01.2022, 17:51
How to set a different currency when registering a new box
How can I choose a base currency that is not in the list?