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Application Questions and Answers «»

2015478069 - Improvement of the action “Move the process to the stage if the status of the Ukrposhta parcel has changed to the specified one”
For the BP action “Move the process to the stage if the status of the Ukrposhta parcel has changed to the specified one”, the status “Sent to the p...
2015483696 - Refinement of actions for changing the stage of the process depending on the status of the TTN of Nova Poshta
For BP actions: - move the business process to this stage if the stage of sending back new mail has changed; - move the business process to this st...
2015482439 - Improvement of the BP action “Add TTN to the registry”
Improved BP action “Add TTN to the registry”, if Nova Poshta returned the error “"Error":"Register in processing. Unable to add docu...
2015481036 - Improved action “Automatically create TTN”
In the “Delivery Payer” setting of the BP action “Automatically create TTN”, the ability to set a value from an additional process field has been i...
2015472358 - Added a new filter to the section "Balance in warehouses"
A filter has been added to the “Balance in warehouses” section, where you can set an additional field by which stocks will be grouped
2015475271 - Improvement of the UkrPoshta registry output to the process
The field "Ukrposhta shipment group number" has been added to the universal process block
2015478655 - Added settings to the "Import data from DC-Link provider" action
For the automatic action once per hour “Import data from DC-Link provider”, the following settings have been added: - check the box "Synchroni...
2015479799 - Refinement of import of goods via XLS
For importing goods using an XLS file, the setting “Use image and card as the main one in the lineup” has been improved
2015481827 - Added automatic action "Remove presence of product vendor information depending on update date"
Added a new automatic action once a day "Remove the presence of information about the supplier of the product depending on the date of the upd...
2015471753 - Improvement of the action “Integrate XML Contacts (Import)”
For automatic action once per hour “Integration of XML contacts (Import)”, the setting “Search only on the specified additional fields” has been im...