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Application Questions and Answers «»

3 answer
06.05.2021, 19:29
Security Certificate Update
Good afternoon. Tell me, pzl., There is a new security certificate. What is needed to update it on our server: https://onebox.mim.kiev.ua/ ?
4 answer
Pardon 500
Pardon 500 transitions at the distributions "All orders", "All tasks", "All people" and other general distributions. ...
1 answer
memory limit for php
memory_limit for php - do I need to restart the server for changes to this parameter on the server to take effect? The client raised the parameter ...
11 replies
06.05.2021, 12:45
Good afternoon Earlier on the forum, a question was asked about deleting phone numbers from companies due to incorrect filling of the database. htt...
Good day! I will sell 1 license for 10 users in a boxed version. The license has an unlimited expiration date. Cost - 90000 hryvnia Details dimapch...
3 answer
06.05.2021, 11:29
Permanent "stuck reserve" error, please fix it.
Product example https://vzutik.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/storage/reserve/?balanceid=214621 He is in reserve but is not listed in any order. This ha...
17 replies
06.05.2021, 11:11
Can't listen to audio recordings
Good afternoon. CRM is connected with binotel telephony. Binotel, for its part, added a domain, server ip address, push api is enabled on the follo...
8 replies
06.05.2021, 10:25
Diya generated a check, but did not write down the check ID
the check has been validated, but the check ID has not been registered in the box. process axis: https://crm.dobavki.ua/admin/customorder/order/243...
2015791006 - Added settings to the "Products" block of the LC interface
For the "Products" block of the LC interface, the settings "Display in the "Name" column information about reserves by fil...
3 answer
05.05.2021, 15:46
Headers and footers as an image in a document
https://hte.crm-onebox.com/ Attached document, it has a header and footer in the form of a picture We need to make the same headers and footers in ...