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Application Questions and Answers «»

1 answer
29.06.2021, 11:10
Update to the theme "Refining an Automation Action"
Good afternoon! More than a week has passed since the payment for the last revision (topic - https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/suppliers-and-prices...
3 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
29.06.2021, 10:55
Problem with warehouse operations
Very often there is a problem with selling from a warehouse, posting, deleting the balance by actions in business processes. An example of the proc...
Onebox not working
Onebox not working. Gives error 500
Onebox not working. Error 502
Boxing doesn't work. 502 Bad Gateway
2015816369 - Added a setting to the action "PromUA / Import Products"
For the action "PromUA / Import products", the setting "Do not update the price and availability of found products (record only when...
2015817096 - Improved the functionality of the action "Update minimum reserves in warehouses depending on sales"
Added the setting "Minimum number of sales processes for the specified period" for the action "Update minimum stocks in warehouses d...
2015816453 - Added contact filter
Added "client manager" filter to contact filters
2015813830 - Improved functionality for importing processes from cs-cart
For importing processes from cs-cart, it has been improved so that when importing orders, the number from the order is substituted into the process...
9 replies
Call records are not pulled into processes
Incoming calls are sometimes recorded, sometimes not. Outgoing calls are not recorded. Please tell me how to fix it. Example process. Telephony Bin...
1 answer
28.06.2021, 15:47
Clock crown bug
I have created two RFP tasks for each employee =onlyopen&ok=1&searchLine= 2021-06-16 03:03:20 new processes started. It is possible that th...