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Application Questions and Answers «»

Export of products to opencart does not work
We are exporting products to opencart (everything worked correctly before), but now the products have not been updated for a couple of hours, can y...
6 replies
29.07.2021, 13:18
Automatically add a customer to an order
Good afternoon! There is a supplier, a client is attached to him. How can I set it so that when placing an order to a supplier using the "Inse...
20 replies
Integration with ERC
Good afternoon. Is there any way to see and check if the integration with ERC is working at the moment. OneBox setup done.
9 replies
Add-on for product filtering
Good afternoon! Please tell me whether it is possible to make an add-on for IM in products so that you can filter out products for which there was ...
5 replies
29.07.2021, 13:08
The promo code was not added as a product of the process
Order from Opencart with a coupon. https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/admin/customorder/order/213743/edit/ The coupon was applied to the order, bu...
5 replies
29.07.2021, 12:53
Obov'yazki schodo sumi v_dvantazhenih produktіv zі znizhkoyu
Early food: https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/finances/8202-obovyazki/ We asked you to add the setting in the automatic session: "Install / up...
2 answer
29.07.2021, 12:29
Doesn't open app
There is an application Here is the logic Clicking on the app icon just refreshes the page.
5 replies
Bulk document printing
https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/changelog-2020-onebox-mvp/2443-2015629972---do... - there...
1 answer
29.07.2021, 12:07
Evaluate revision in the table of ordered products
https://crm.dobavki.ua/admin/shop/products/ordered/mode/?searchLine=# 2 columns need to be improved in the table: Article and Brand Need an estimate
6 replies
29.07.2021, 11:37
Not displayed in the list of processes in the amount "paid" payments of subprocesses
The question was already raised earlier, but they did not help me https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/finances/7777-ne-vezde-i-ne-vsegda-otobrazhaet...