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Application Questions and Answers «»

Document templates
Good day. I create document templates. Now I want to expand the materials included in the product passport in the document. But the additional fiel...
Letter template
Good day. please tell me, the template of the letter is configured, but it does not add the additional field of the product "Place in the warehouse...
1 answer
11.10.2023, 10:29
Remove the ability to select a language during authorization
Here https://univer.1b.app/client/login/ Today a field appeared with a choice of language https://prnt.sc/38jiYZyiiucZ which was not there before, ...
5 replies
Block 1.5 Problem of averaging the purchase price in orders
After updating to OneBox OS, the modification we paid for was missing. Now we do not have the correct margin on orders due to the fact that the inc...
3 answer
10.10.2023, 10:43
Images are not uploaded to opencart
Good afternoon, images have stopped being uploaded since August, everything else is being uploaded description of characteristics
3 answer
09.10.2023, 19:14
Will "Delete process files" delete it permanently?
For example, I upload a photo to a process, and the "Delete process files" action in the process is triggered. Will the file be deleted and free up...
Photo does not load when clicked
Good afternoon Products page in your personal account https://inclothes.1b.app/client/product/list/?filternameproduct=&articul=&am... ...
6 replies
09.10.2023, 14:58
Improvement: add the "Move" field to the "Products by table" block
In the "Products by table" block there is a "Shipped" field, but can you make a similar field with the "Move" operation? You need to visually see i...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
09.10.2023, 14:05
How to create an address delivery in the box when the carrier is Nova Poshta
Good day everyone See what you need to do: 1. We received an order from Poland to Ukraine 2. The client needs address delivery by courier 3. We use...
4 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
09.10.2023, 13:13
The "upload to XML" action does not upload additional fields to a file
Good afternoon Additional process fields are not uploaded to XML. Procedure https://polax-onebox.1b.app/app/workflow/3/procedure/29/ Please tell me...