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Application Questions and Answers «»

2 answer
26.01.2024, 12:34
Unable to load data in Univ.import of products (xml)
Good day! I can’t understand where I’m prescribing something or doing it wrong, I’ve already checked the settings hundreds of times, but for some r...
4 answer
25.01.2024, 15:31
Very urgent - the problem with downloading files sent via Viber bot has returned
Files sent via Viber bot are not downloaded on iOS. There is an endless loading process. Here is the previous message: https://1b.app/ru/forum/...
7 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
25.01.2024, 10:46
Refinement, an action that will set the price levels of the product set based on the price of the passport components
Good day, Kit with passport: https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/app/product/40962/edit/ Passport: https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/app/passports/210/edit/ P...
9 replies
24.01.2024, 14:55
What is needed to connect the FUIB integration
It is necessary to integrate FUIB banking to receive incoming and outgoing payments. What is needed to enable integration and where can I get the d...
4 answer
How to configure display of fields in logs and how to detect changes?
1. In the video instructions about logs, you can see that you can configure the display of fields. I do not see such an opportunity for us 2. How ...
3 answer
23.01.2024, 17:48
The employee does not see payments during the Onebox MVP process
In most cases, the employee stopped displaying payments in processes and in the general list of payments; the settings did not change. At the same ...
12 replies
22.01.2024, 17:23
Bug in the setting "Delete options from opencart that OneBox has not updated for the product"
In the action “Upload products/categories/filters/characteristics into opencart (via database)” there is a setting “Delete options from opencart th...
5 replies
Група активної реабілітації, Голова правління
21.01.2024, 15:16
Quality deteriorates when signing from a tablet
Congratulations! We tested your application in practice and noticed that when signing from an Android tablet through chrome, the quality of the sav...
9 replies
20.01.2024, 15:21
Opening in the current order tab instead of a new tab
Here https://rivcont.info/4404515/ https://prnt.sc/Dja2RHNHUXVD there is a block of client processes "Double". Previously, when clicked, the proces...
3 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
20.01.2024, 11:57
Improvement, qr code for additional process field
Good afternoon, we have an additional process field with a link to the overlay or form creation page, URL field type. You need to generate a QR cod...