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Application Questions and Answers «»

2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
10.02.2024, 10:24
BUG: Does not allow saving an existing additional field, gives an error An additional field with this identifier already exists
Does not allow you to save an already existing additional field with the type Dropdown list after adding new values Gives an error: An additi...
update the SSL certificate for box.profish.ua,
It's time to update the SSL certificate for box.profish.ua, you did it a year ago. Please send me an invoice for the service, I will pay. And to re...
Differences between E-chat Pro and E-chat
Congratulations! I want to know what are the key differences between https://1b.app/ua/app/echat-pro/ and https://1b.app/ua/app/echat/
6 replies
08.02.2024, 13:01
BUG of the action "Export goods to Hoshohop". Additional status is not transmitted
I noticed a bug in the “Export goods to Hoshohop” action. The status "Pre-ordered" should be transmitted, but "Out of stock" is transmitted. Photo ...
11 replies
08.02.2024, 12:11
Telephony integration via API v2
Congratulations. Is it possible, using API v2, to fully integrate telephony using endpoints for working with events? I mean that the call should ch...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
08.02.2024, 12:06
Finances, the number of orders from companies in the holding is incorrectly displayed
Good afternoon, we noticed that the number of orders for companies in the holding is not displayed correctly in the Finances block of the client's ...
Processes under control - names of processes have disappeared, only the number is visible
Good day! From today, all processes that are installed on the control are shown as process numbers, without a description of the process. How to f...
Highlighting of items in the product table
Good day. Tell me if there is any way to adjust the lighting in the product table. For example, to illuminate with a certain color or not at all, ...
8 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
07.02.2024, 11:54
BUG: Unable to create additional fields for processes and process products
Please fix as it is not possible to create additional fields for processes and process products. I cleaned the cache, it didn't help. In total, t...
1 answer
07.02.2024, 11:34
Where to get data
We need client data “ID and code from FUIB”, the bank does not know where to get it for us) They send us a file that does not contain the ID and co...