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Application Questions and Answers «»

Automate the addition to the purchase price
Good afternoon, how to automate the addition. It is necessary to add +125 to the amount of the purchase price and display it in a separate column, ...
1 answer
23.02.2024, 11:21
SSL certificate update https://box.dobroznak.com/dashboard/
certificate purchased, renewed, extended https://prnt.sc/8WC6uevjM6hF data from the control panel https://prnt.sc/UMUwqV5ZoA-k Opera opens boxing t...
3 answer
Personal license
22.02.2024, 16:06
After paying for boxing, a warning continues to appear in the Central Committee
Good day! Unable to get rid of the message. Boxing was paid for on February 15, but messages continue to appear every three hours. Please fix it. T...
2 answer
21.02.2024, 13:58
Bug fixes
It is necessary to fix the bugs in the paid box of the client. In particular: 1. CPU load is more than 300% https://prnt.sc/7cn0jJO_TBtT 2. Duplica...
1 answer
20.02.2024, 14:17
Processes on control
Good afternoon. Please tell me how to display information about the client and perhaps some other fields instead of the name of the business entity
BUG!! Cron automation stopped working
TTNs themselves are not created through automation, orders from Prom are not coming in, we’ve been waiting for an hour. Look what the problem is ht...
4 answer
19.02.2024, 13:54
When entering the "Ukrposhta create delivery" tab, it gives error 500
For 2-3 days now, when entering the ../ukrposhtainvoice/ tab of the "Ukrposhta create delivery" process, it gives error 500. Ukrposhta's API suppo...
1 answer
16.02.2024, 18:27
The document is downloaded when the process is opened
Good day for example https://orc-test.kiev.ua/25374/ But when you open any process where there is a document, it is immediately downloaded.
4 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
16.02.2024, 18:15
finalize the option "do not update business process and process status after download"
please complete the automatic action "Import data from Google spreadsheets (Google Spreadsheet)" so that when updating processes (the "Search by pr...
Bug! Stopped writing the number of scanned orders.
We have a problem with the Work with Ttn application. Ttn is scanned, but does not write how many scanned quantity. Previously, we beeped, it sai...