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Application Questions and Answers «»

Added field types to form settings
Added field types to the form settings: Date and time; Drop-down list; Dropdown multilist; Link (URL).
Improved global search
Added the ability to set the entities for which the global search should work
The functionality of the action “Add entry to the directory based on an additional order field” has been improved.
For the action “Add an entry to the directory based on an additional order field” The following fields have been added: 1. Order number; 2. Date of...
Improved the functionality of the action "Prohibit making changes to the task"
For the action "Prohibit making changes to the task" Added checkboxes: "Allow changes to those responsible for the order" &quot...
Added the field “Order supplier” in the universal block
The field “Order supplier” has been added for display in the order interface. To do this, it appeared in the universal block
The functionality of the “Attachments” block has been improved
A setting has been added to the block with a drop-down list of three options for displaying files related to the project in the block: a) files of ...
Added option to copy an existing interface
Added a setting that allows copying an existing interface. To do this, the “Copy from the stage of another business process” button appeared in the...
Added the action “Issue a document based on the expected payments of the order and send it to the client by email”
Added a new automatic action once a day “Issue a document based on the expected payments of the order and send it to the client by email” The actio...
Added action “Remove pending payments based on selected order products”
Added new action “Remove pending payments based on selected order products” The action deletes a previously created pending payment for the selecte...
Added output of the invoice in orders as a list
Added the ability to display the "Delivery invoice" process field on the "Orders by list" page