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Application Questions and Answers «»

1 answer
04.08.2022, 16:46
Update for Access Rights
Please evaluate the modification of access rights so that it is possible to prohibit the activation of the export/print/send buttons in reports (mv...
21 answer
04.08.2022, 15:44
Add goods from the selected warehouse in real quantity to the process
Good afternoon. There is a need in the process to add products that are available in the selected warehouse. At the same time, it should be possibl...
SEO templates for online store.
In the settings of the interface, there is a SEO item (/admin/shop/settings/SEO/) that allows you to customize tile and description templates for t...
Unable to set up filtering in the report
Good afternoon, somewhere the ability to configure filtering in the report designer has disappeared. example https://kiyservice.1b.app/app/report/d...
10 replies
Opencart 3. For which versions of PHP does integration work?
opencart 3. For which versions of PHP does integration work? Will you work on integration on PHP 5.6?
19 replies
04.08.2022, 10:21
Questions about changing the currencies of goods
At night, the currencies in the goods changed (example https://znaide.1b.app/app/product/8283/edit/ , there is an entry in the history for 2022-08-...
1 answer
04.08.2022, 09:58
Removing a product process
An action is needed that, when moving from process to process, would delete products with the selected additional features in the parent process. p...
5 replies
03.08.2022, 22:00
Product search bug
There is a product that used to have one name and then another product with a completely different name was filled in instead. The search works som...
7 replies
03.08.2022, 21:50
Products are not displayed during checkout
https://rivcont.info/app/storage/process/incoming/ I am adding product Notification Next, the notification disappears, but the product is still n...
2 answer
03.08.2022, 18:59
Do not return goods from more than one warehouse :(
Do not return goods from more than one warehouse https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/customorder/sklad/2331715/edit/ It is necessary to go to "shipp...