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Application Questions and Answers «»

2015112788 - Improvement of the action “Import processes from Simpla”
For the action “Import processes from Simpla”, the setting has been improved, in which you can set the source of processes created by the action
2015110665 - Improved the functionality of displaying the sum of analogues in the product search block
For the product search block, the ability to display a field that will display the availability of goods in stock has been improved
2015113484 - Improved integration with Ukrposhta
For the action “Move the process to a stage if the status of the Ukrposhta parcel has changed to the specified one”, the output of statuses from Uk...
2015102088 - Improvement of two-stage payment in liqpay
Now you can make a two-stage payment liqpay (blocking funds on the client's card for a period of up to 30 days. During this period, you can can...
2015114858 - Improved mass editing of payments
Improved the ability to massively change the category and payment account using the bulk changes panel on the payments page
2015110690 - Improvement of the action “Automatically create TTN”
For the BP action “Automatically create TTN”, a checkbox has been added “After creating a TTN, open the 100x100 marking in a new window”
2015113586 - Improved display of bonus categories
In the system settings - design settings and business process tables, the checkbox “Show bonuses grouped by categories” has been improved, which in...
2015110662 - Improvement of the process interface block “Product Search”
In the setting of the interface block of the “Search for products” process, the checkbox “Hide warehouse filters when opening information about pro...
2015110253 - Improved action "Send price list every hour/day"
For the automatic action once per hour "Send price list every hour/day", the following settings have been added: - unload only products t...
2015110085 - Improved action “Change owner”
For the “Change owner” action, the “Change responsible subprocess instead of the current” setting has been added, which allows, instead of changing...