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Application Questions and Answers «»

2015124638 - Added "Reset all filters" block for contacts
For contact filters, the ability to reset selected filters has been improved using the new “Reset all filters” block
2015124657 - Improved the action "Copy the value of the warehouse additional field into the additional field of the process product"
For the action "Copy the value of the additional warehouse field into the additional field of the process product", the ability to specif...
2015123566 - Added action "Add contacts of active process suppliers to client's subsidiaries"
Added a new BP action “Add Contacts of Active Process Suppliers to Client Subsidiaries”, which takes supplier contacts from the “Active Process Sup...
2015124573 - Added the ability to make payment for the order through liqpay several times
Payment for an order through liqpay can be made once. If you try to pay for the same order again, an error will be generated. Improved the ability ...
2015114733 - Improved BP action “Check availability of process products from suppliers”
The BP action “Check availability of process products from suppliers” has been improved, which is triggered when switching to a stage and checks th...
2015122459 - Improved report "Warehouse needs"
Previously, the “Warehouse requirements” block of the report designer did not display positions with a Manual minimum value if there were no sales ...
2015110623 - Improved multilanguage functionality for filters
Previously, search by filters worked only for the system language, it has been improved so that the search works with multilingualism
2015121040 - Improved the action "Replace the product with its analogues"
For the action “Replace a product with its analogues”, the setting “Take into account additional warehouse fields when searching for a product” has...
2015108947 - Improved action "Import contacts from Google Contacts"
Added setting for the "Import contacts from Google Contacts" action: "Separate the contact name into components of the full name by ...
2015116538 - Improved form for adding tasks
Improved so that when changing the BP in the form for adding tasks, the information entered in the “Processes for clients” block remains