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Application Questions and Answers «»

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13.10.2023, 09:52
In the client's account, the values ​​in the fields are not saved when switching stages
There was already a topic like this, it was fixed. Same problem again. Please fix it urgently. https://1b.app/ru/forum/client-cabinets/17733-v-kabi...
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12.10.2023, 16:21
Opencard synchronization fails
Synchronization does not take place across three sites at once. There were no changes. All details in photo
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Prices from quantity to price level
Hello. Products have 3 price levels (retail, wholesale and dealer). Circumstances so happened that some products had quantity settings added for wh...
Importing products from CS-Cart does not work
Good afternoon, we encountered the same problem when importing goods from cs-cart. There is an online store with a large number of products, about ...
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06.10.2023, 12:19
The amount in the cash register and the total are calculated incorrectly
The amount in the cash register and the total are calculated incorrectly. Tell me how to fix this?
0 replies
04.10.2023, 09:12
Action didn't work
In the task https://topbox.1b.app/29034/ at the stage https://topbox.1b.app/admin/shop/workflowstatus/504/action/new/ the action https://prnt.sc/8p...
Creation of a check with prepaid and postpaid
There was such a problem, there is a payment in the business process that is less than the total amount of the process. For example, the amount of ...
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27.09.2023, 17:20
Goods are not reserved during the action process
Process https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/361150/. There is free stock in one of the warehouses. Does not reserve goods either at the selected ...
Re-discounting_loading of goods into the re-discounting cart via import
Good afternoon There is a file with products, they have a filter (color, fabric, size), the filter data is associated with the warehouse But when...
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23.09.2023, 14:59
The directory constructor has the following setting
Tell me where I can read about how this setting "Configure many-to-many directory communication" works