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Application Questions and Answers «»

2 answer
Adjusted to MVP, several actions do not work after migration
After switching to the version of onebox mvp, we have several broken settings of integrators that were configured for us on the previous version, b...
2 answer
12.06.2023, 10:20
my company is active but doesn't show up in the vanbox in the list
My company is not in the list of companies, I can go to it using the link: https://lux-perila.1b.app/app/workflowtype-lead/ I don't see it on the...
How to find out your URL
This is the page https://avr-service2.1b.app APIv2 at https://avr-service.crm-onebox.com is not working
7 replies
10.06.2023, 10:36
Need to continue ssl
Good day Need to renew certificate http://delavega.crm-onebox.com/ yes, as the domain is yours, confirmation from your side is required.
5 replies
You need to automatically fill in the "price" field from the "RRP" field
Help with a solution, how can I move the price automatically from the RRP field, which takes the price from the suppliers, to the "price" field. SC...
6 replies
09.06.2023, 15:53
Process control.
Good afternoon Tell me, please, where are the "processes under control" configured? Now the person responsible for the order is indicated there, ...
2 answer
09.06.2023, 12:45
Unable to delete block in personal account
Here https://univer.1b.app/admin/shop/boxclient/10/interface/?groupid=16&workflow... Unable to delete document list block When you t...
2 answer
09.06.2023, 12:36
API server not available
Missing REST API response from https://mybox.crm-onebox.com which is listed as the API server in the documentation. It doesn't even ping and is not...
6 replies
Goods are unloaded into the opencart one per hour
greeting goods are transferred to open card Norway one product per hour https://lums.com.ua/ua https://lums.crm-onebox.com/app/opencart-1/ used to ...
1 answer
ЮРИСТИ БЕЗПРОБЛЕМ, ТОВ, директор, адвокат
08.06.2023, 22:36
Why is it not possible to install the application in your box
When trying to install the application, it says the following An error occurred while installing the application. There are no box-mobile applicati...