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Application Questions and Answers «»

2015151580 - Improved display of processes on the Gantt chart
Now it is possible to see processes according to the color of the stage at which they are currently in the Gantt chart display method. To do this, ...
2015157198 - Improvement of the action “Automatically create a business process for customers depending on the amount of orders”
For the automatic action once per hour “Automatically create a business process for customers depending on the amount of orders”, the ability to us...
2015149905 - Added BP action “Create a notification to the responsible in case of client activity”
A new business process action “Create a notification to the owner in case of customer activity” has been added, which, if the owner of the process ...
2015147454 - Refinement of the block “Products by table”
For the “Products by table” process block, when filling in by default, the ability to use the variables of the variable directory for letters and p...
2015147827 - Improvement of the action “Export products in YML format (Prom.ua, Yandex.Market)”
For the action “Export products in YML format (Prom.ua, Yandex.Market)”, the setting “Set "in stock" in the main product card, if at leas...
2015157064 - Improvement of the process interface block "Process product loading block"
For the "Process Products Loading Block" process block, the ability in the process interface to specify the field by which OneBox will se...
2015150399 - Improved action “Product images integration (Import)”
For automatic action once a day “Integration of product images (Import)”, there was previously a setting that allows you to upload images according...
2015150474 - Improvement of personal account settings
In the Client’s Personal Account application, the setting has been improved: “Link for the "Registration" button in the mobile version of...
2015150067 - Improvement of the action “Import processes with Goodop”
For the action “Import processes from Goodop”, the setting “Search products by ID (if disabled, then the search goes by article)” has been improved
2015147823 - Improved action “Export products in YML format (Prom.ua, Yandex.Market)”
For the action “Export products in YML format (Prom.ua, Yandex.Market)”, the setting “Instead of false, pass an empty value in the available field”...