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Application Questions and Answers «»

2 answer
14.02.2023, 01:38
Color of sums in total rows
Tell me, have there been any stylistic changes in the Total Rows block? Will there be a description of the updates, what and why? Total and Paid us...
4 answer
13.02.2023, 19:24
Very urgent! Unable to enter the box!
Writes The maximum number of sessions in your OneBox license has been reached: 0 What is the reason? Customers in the store, shipments from the wa...
1 answer
13.02.2023, 16:30
Strangely changed the stage of the order
Here is an order https://sara.1box.link/31858/ he was on stage "day 2" at this stage there is an action that should transfer to the stage "day 3" ...
minute cron not working
Good afternoon. Minute cron stopped working: crm.sportmarket.ua
7 replies
13.02.2023, 14:36
Improvements to the display of tables in the Products, List of processes, Table of process products of the client's personal account (OK) blocks
Good afternoon, I would like to ask you to rate the following updates for the "Customer's Personal Account" module (OK): 1. Block &qu...
1 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
13.02.2023, 13:41
Error accessing the server during operation
Good day, Today, employees complain about the lack of communication with the server, pages are often not loaded during work. That is, you work with...
3 answer
13.02.2023, 12:40
Hide chat window Livesite
Good afternoon We have an online store on your box https://inoxstore.com.ua. We disabled LiveSite integration and enabled another one, but the chat...
1 answer
13.02.2023, 10:11
Import Crushing into the Process Options product block
How is it possible to import Crushing into the Process Options product block?
5 replies
11.02.2023, 10:28
error, can anyone help?
Hello One Box - you are the best! But unfortunately, for some unknown reason (I would like to find out the reason and eliminate it), we had a failu...
1 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
10.02.2023, 15:24
processing the response in the "Send Process to API" action
how to configure the processing parameters of the response to the sent request with the action "Send the process to the API" (you need to get the v...