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Application Questions and Answers «»

2015255952 - Added the ability to disable the input of values that are not specified in the settings of the additional field
Added the ability in the additional field of the process product to prohibit entering values that are not specified in the settings of this additio...
2015255979 - Improvement of additional process fields
In the settings of the additional fields of the process, the setting “Search only contacts created by the user who performs the search” has been ad...
2015247309 - Refinement of the block “Product Search”
For the interface block of the "Product Search" process, the ability to display the name of the product filters has been added, and oppos...
2015254415 - Refinement of the process interface fields in the LC
For the universal block in the process card interface settings for the mobile version, two fields have been added: - stock; - cell
2015258841 - Improvement of integration with Privatbank/monobank payment by installments
Previously: in integration with PrivatBank / payment in installments, Monobank / payment in installments when sending payment from the product tabl...
2015255545 - Added contact automation action “Send a message to a user when they are added to the selected group”
A new automatic action "Send a message to the user when he is added to the selected group" has been added, which sends a message to the c...
2015243678 - Refinement of the block “Products by table”
For the “Products by table” process interface block, the setting “Additionally display products of subprocesses in the products table” has been add...
2015191626 - Added field to action "Copy field value from parent process"
Added the field “Warehouse to move” to the action “Copy field value from parent process”
2015244669 - Improving the way Timline processes are displayed
Added the ability to get directly into the process when adding processes through the Timline display method (by default, it throws Timline back). T...
2015249162 - Added a setting to the action "PromUA/receive client messages from PromUA as tasks"
For the automatic action once a minute "PromUA / receive client messages from PromUA as tasks", the setting "Receive notifications e...