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Application Questions and Answers «»

3 answer
09.08.2023, 12:38
Installing SSL
Good day. You need to reinstall the certificate at box.chinim.com.ua
2 answer
08.08.2023, 17:09
The filter by product brand does not work in processes! It's not the first time
When you click on the field with the choice of brands, a drop-down list with brands does not appear. The problem is in the supplier orders section....
1 answer
08.08.2023, 16:50
There is no export of products from Onebox to Wordpress
Good day! Exporting products from Onebox to Wordpress using the automatic action "WordPress / Export products" does not work. 1. How to und...
Automatic addition of payments to the business process
Good afternoon, please tell me how to correctly configure the automatic distribution of bank statements, in the automation settings, the statement ...
6 replies
07.08.2023, 20:08
A bug in the export of goods to Khorozhop
Nothing was changed, but suddenly the export of goods began to take place only starting with the product 1006775 and ending with the product 100903...
5 replies
07.08.2023, 16:56
Good day. Please provide up-to-date data to integrate OpenCart version with OneBox OS.
1 answer
07.08.2023, 15:58
Is it possible to restore a company from a backup?
I see that there are backups in the company's settings, but I don't see a button to restore to the desired date.
1 answer
07.08.2023, 14:35
Outgoing not working
Integration works calls come to CRM, https://prnt.sc/bOLTd5ivjr4m and it is possible to call only directly from Binotel, but from CRM it gives an ...
3 answer
07.08.2023, 12:54
Forming an order to a supplier based on sales statistics
Please tell me how to form an order to the supplier not according to the minimum reserve, but according to the statistics of the sold goods (for ex...
6 replies
07.08.2023, 11:47
Slow process page loading on Save click
The problem is only with a few processes. When you click Save, the download is very slow. The buttons of the stages do not become active for a long...