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Application Questions and Answers «»

2015330919 - Refinement of BP actions on bonuses
For the business process actions “Write off bonuses” and “Add bonuses”, a field has been improved in which you can set the text of the comment
2015330148 - Setting for the removal of process goods from the reserve
In the system settings, the checkbox “Allow only the author, process owner and administrators to remove a reserve in the product table in a process...
2015328315 - Improvement on hash assignment
Improved action “Write hash to additional product field”. The action glues the values of the selected fields, takes md5 from the received value and...
2015325752 - Improvement of the P&L report on processes
For the P&L report by processes (report designer), the ability to select the stages of business processes, information from which will be shown...
2015327849 - Improvement of the action “Integrate XML Business Processes (Export)”
For automatic action once per hour “Integration of business processes XML (Export)”, the setting “Run every N minutes” has been improved
Improvement of the action “Create a process based on importing files via FTP”
Improved automatic action once per minute “Create a process based on importing files via FTP”. Once a minute, the action downloads files from ftp, ...
2015325760 - Refinement of the filter by process name
For the filter by process name, the ability to filter processes by partial match has been improved.
2015322656 - Improvement of the action “Cancel the reserve of the process content in the warehouse”
For the BP action “Cancel the reserve of the process content in the warehouse”, the setting “Remove the reserve only from the products of the paren...
2015321527 - Refinement of the block in the report designer
For the “Table of tasks/orders/projects” block, grouping by process client has been added
2015321272 - Finalization of the report “Changes in the balance in warehouses”
For the report “Change in the balance in warehouses” the following has been improved: - filter by category; - column “Sold amount” - displays the a...