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Application Questions and Answers «»

2015340202- Improvement of the action “Link process products to supplier process products”
The BP action “Link process products to supplier process products” has been improved. When switching to the status, the action goes through the unb...
2015339986 - Improvement of the action “Switch the stage if the warehouses of the process products are different”
The BP action “Switch the stage if the warehouses of the process products are different” has been improved. When you go to the stage, the action wi...
2015337560 - Improvement of the /api/orders/get/ method
For the /api/orders/get/ method, the "supplier name" field - suppliername - has been added to the productArray array.
2015262738 - Refinement of additional fields to the product passport
- for the BP action “Create a passport from process products”, the setting “additional fields of the passport, which should be taken into account w...
2015333741 - KPI refinement
The KPI handler class “number of hours according to the employee’s work schedule” has been improved
2015338476 - Improvement of the action “Add a comment to the process”
In the BP action “Add a comment to the process” for the “author of a comment” setting, the choice has been improved: the author of the process, the...
2015333742 - Improvement on the withdrawal of wallets in the account field in the process
In the settings of the universal block, the checkbox “Filter the selection of available wallets depending on the choice of legal entity” has been i...
2015336056 - Refinement of the display of processes by the Gantt chart
For the method of displaying processes with a Gantt chart, the row with this date is highlighted when hovering over a date.
2015330226 - Improvement of the block "Product sales report by category tree" in the report designer
For the "Product sales report by category tree" block of the report builder, the "Print only expanded subitems" setting has bee...
2015332121 - Refinement of the “Document Viewer” block
For the interface block of the “Document View” process, the setting “Display documents from additional process fields” has been improved