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Application Questions and Answers «»

1 answer
03.04.2024, 19:14
Sum of two fields
And if you need to perform a function. Let's say there are two additional fields for the digital process. And in the third field of the process you...
4 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
03.04.2024, 12:08
PRODUCTS: Search for changes in the price field, gives pricebase, how to solve?
As an example, we move on to logging product changes. We are interested in the changes that occurred in the price field But when we apply the fil...
2 answer
Personal license
03.04.2024, 11:51
Bug, directory filling does not work
In the box https://apb.1b.app/ a guide https://apb.1b.app/app/customobject/1/field/ is configured, with a field of type Multilist products https://...
Rozetka delivery
Does your Rozetka delivery app work with Rozetka delivery? Are they some different things?
Product names have disappeared
29.03, the names of some products have disappeared, there is no history about this in the logs, it is very difficult to work in such conditions, si...
1 answer
Removal of Analogue Products
Interested in how you can remove analogues of products using import. those. mass clearing of this table/deleting one item in the list by product id
2 answer
02.04.2024, 16:06
Translate into Ukrainian: Preview contact - Preview contact
Good afternoon, we found a discrepancy in the translation into Ukrainian in the contact interfaces. The interface block is now in Ukrainian: "Conta...
4 answer
01.04.2024, 12:31
The telephony window disappeared again
Good day! The Kyivstar telephony window has disappeared again. No calls of any kind.
1 answer
Is it possible to clear the memory once without installing the application?
Tell me whether it is possible to use the service of one-time cleaning of the system memory, and how much it will cost? I connected the mail and al...
product names have disappeared
Today, for some reason, the names of the products have disappeared (not all, but a lot), please tell me the reason