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Application Questions and Answers «»

26 replies
Orders do not come from Rozetka
Good afternoon. Stopped pulling orders from Rozetka. Please fix the problem!
1 answer
How much does it cost to make a backup
please tell me how much it will cost to make a backup and then restore it? dashi.crm-onebox.com
3 answer
Personal license
10.02.2021, 14:27
Integration of "complaints and appeals to the call center" with ROZETKA
Hello. Is it possible to integrate complaints from the outlet into a separate business process (or how it will be possible/convenient) via api. Wit...
2 answer
Additional treatment
You need to add the field "Restore the addendum field on the addendum fields of the addendum data", add the field "Directory record ...
1 answer
10.02.2021, 14:08
Onebox not working
Good afternoon OneBox not working (rivkont) https://prnt.sc/yyrc2d Tailing reported that there is space on the server Tell me, what's the problem?
8 replies
10.02.2021, 13:47
Do not come from the socket
Do not come to the sockets, they came yesterday, but today they didn’t. new api address changed https://prnt.sc/yyoudg
1 answer
10.02.2021, 13:43
Bulk removal of legal details from contacts
There was a problem earlier that when downloading payments from Privat, legal details were duplicated #2015713918 And now there are contacts that h...
7 replies
10.02.2021, 13:26
The window in the calendar does not reload when going to any stage
The window in the calendar does not reload when going to any stage Reload on save https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/admin/customorder/issue/mode/...
4 answer
10.02.2021, 13:10
Can't create OneBox
Can't create box, inactive confirmation buttons
3 answer
10.02.2021, 12:31
Orders not coming
In automatic actions once a minute there is an import of orders from Prom But orders no longer come in, the last one was Looks like the cron does...