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Application Questions and Answers «»

In the client, there are overpayments and underpayments on orders and such orders are too large, and the total number of orders is 0, by which means you can check and close all orders.
In the client, there are overpayments and underpayments on orders and such orders are too large, and the total number of orders is 0, by which mean...
10 replies
Интернет Магазин openshop.ua
28.02.2021, 21:50
A single hour is not a single chat ... a baby dies
Gentlemen, they made a product, but left it unfinished. According to the specifics of the work, new chats are constantly added. Now it has come to ...
Is it possible to customize Template 23 for mobile version
I have installed your paid template Template 23 on my site grudnichok.com.ua The template itself is universal with the possibility of self-configur...
1 answer
28.02.2021, 16:04
Spelling errors and typos
Hello! If a product is out of stock, the action "Check if products are in stock" generates the following error text https://prnt.sc/109d1...
2 answer
Creating payments backdated
After the last system update, the ability to create payments retroactively disappeared. Please return, this is a key function of spreading payments...
3 answer
send message to order prom
in the order processing history, in addition to changing statuses, correspondence with the buyer is displayed if he has an email. you can send a me...
9 replies
finalize the action "Creating a sales receipt ...."
- is such a modification for the action acceptable?
2015753081 - The functionality of the business process designer has been improved
In the settings of the action constructor, the following has been improved: - setting that allows you to duplicate the action; - Highlighting PSU s...
9 replies
27.02.2021, 23:51
New mail registries are not created
Hello, Registries are not created when creating New Mail invoices, the step action is enabled https://box.lurestore.com.ua/admin/shop/workflowstatu...
8 replies
27.02.2021, 23:50
Number of the return parcel in New mail
Hello, How to prohibit the recording of the number of the return parcel of the New Post of Cash on Delivery? If the parcel was sent with cash on d...