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Application Questions and Answers «»

1 answer
Тзов Екомора
Personal license
04.03.2021, 09:04
Not filtering by goods
є product https://ekomora.ua/admin/shop/products/1762823/edit/ what kind of filter that filter value is, if you ask for the product, don’t know htt...
2015750656 - Added integration with Seller-Online
Added integration with Seller-Online. Opportunities: receiving payments. For settings: 1. You need to enable integration in OneBox market; 2. After...
2015751968 - Improved the functionality of the "Print price tag" action
Added the setting "Print price tags by piece, not by position" to the "Print price tag" action
2015750338 - Added new automatic action
Added a new automatic action once per hour "Close access to business processes and statuses for the specified roles". In an action, you c...
2015752313 - Added a setting to the "Recent client business processes" block
Added setting "Ignore the current process" for the process interface block "Recent customer business processes".
10 replies
03.03.2021, 21:51
Import products from Opencart to Onebox
It is necessary to import products (one-time) from Opencart to Onebox with categories, photos, descriptions, filters and characteristics (attributes)
2 answer
03.03.2021, 20:56
Upgrading the boxed system ONBOX to the newest.
Please update the onebox box system to the newest one.
4 answer
Automatic generation of photo title
When uploading images to the system, can we set some settings so that new images change their name according to some pattern? for example: I upload...
1 answer
Is it possible to edit the title of an image??
I upload images to the system, then upload them to the site and some of the photos have a very large name, it was all loaded before, now there is a...
1 answer
does not switch the process stage when the stage expires.
- process https://adapter.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/9917/edit/ - there is a setting for the transition. - the new stage has only one...