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Application Questions and Answers «»

2015432430 - Improvement of weight output in TTN UkrPoshta
Improved the ability to pull the weight of goods from the “Weight” field of the product card in the TTN
2015418743 - Refinement of additional product fields
Improved the ability to create additional product fields with the HTML type
2015429735 - Refinement of the setting in the block with the company name
For the “Company name” block of the interface for adding a process, the setting “Prohibit searching for existing companies” has been improved
2015430662 - Improved action “Switch stage if process stage in Opencart has changed”
For the BP action “Switch the stage if the process stage in Opencart has changed”, the setting “Run the action every N minutes” has been improved
2015426961 - Improved action “Upload products/categories/filters/characteristics to opencart (via database)”
For automatic action once per hour “Upload products/categories/filters/characteristics to opencart (via DB)”, the setting for uploading product cat...
2015427444 - Improved action “Copy process fields”
For the BP action “Copy process fields”, the ability to specify the Return shipping number in the “Take value from the process field” setting has b...
2015427464 - Added sorting in the "Information from the directory" block
For the interface block of the process “Information from the directory”, a setting has been added in which you can select the type of sorting “asce...
2015426758 - Improvement of the action “Change the value of a process field depending on another process field”
For the BP action “Change the value of a process field depending on another process field”, the setting “Check all values if the compared field is ...
2015421741 - Improved action “WordPress / Update product availability in WordPress”
For the automatic action once a day “WordPress / Update the availability of products in WordPress”, the setting “Transfer balances only for those w...
2015421258 - Refinement of the process comments feed
Added the setting “Allow to attach files from additional process fields with the File type” to the “Comment Feed” block