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Application Questions and Answers «»

1 answer
07.03.2021, 21:22
how to change the font in the standard template of the online store?
how to change the font in the standard template of the online store?
8 replies
Incorrect indicators in the report after uploading to XLS
6 replies
07.03.2021, 19:30
make an online store template responsive
Can I make my online store template adaptive, instead of the mobile version of m.site.com.ua?
OnBox started to slow down a lot
Since yesterday, OneBox has been left to slow down strongly. In the load control panel, we see anomalous changes in the load that were not there be...
1 answer
Question to the guide to the Personal Account in OneBox OS
As it became known from the presentation of OneBox OS, it is not planned to leave the functionality of a personal account in it. For me, the presen...
2 answer
Is it possible to display one product image for visualization in the minimum reserve?
Is it possible to display one product image for visualization in the minimum reserve? I have 13000 SKUs, I would like to visualize the products whe...
3 answer
How to determine the number of characters in a string?
We have this action "Calculate and write a value to an additional field if the conditions are met" PHP functions for string operations: s...
3 answer
06.03.2021, 23:20
Remove all characters that are not a letter or a number when searching
we have 2 product search columns in the process (by name, and by article). I'm interested in the function: Remove all characters that are not a...
Sales report not working.
BUG! Sales report not working. Most likely due to the fact that it is trying to load a large amount of data. Report link: http://gadgetopt.crm-oneb...
4 answer
06.03.2021, 19:19
Add Emoji to Stages
Good afternoon! Please add the ability to add emoji to stages - https://prnt.sc/10elsi6 How much could such a refinement cost if it is like an inve...