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Application Questions and Answers «»

7 replies
10.03.2021, 12:09
Client origins are automatically pulled to the process origin
Good afternoon. Tell me, is it possible to somehow remove the automatic assignment of the source of the process to the source of the client? At the...
1 answer
10.03.2021, 12:00
Consultation on general finance page
On the general finance page there is such a table https://prnt.sc/10hwd9b It displays data like this https://prnt.sc/10hwdth http://crm.mebelok.com...
4 answer
Please tell me if we have automatic backups configured?
http://agency.crm-onebox.com/cc/ Good afternoon! Where do we store backups? How to see?
3 answer
10.03.2021, 11:55
Notification of an incoming order from Prom.UA
Good afternoon! There is a question about notifications - about incoming orders from online stores. It was disabled from the business process, the ...
1 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
10.03.2021, 11:38
Evaluate the process product block
Bula dorobka https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/interface/3653-sortuvannya-i-filtruvannya-v-ta... It is necessary to improve: Additional process fie...
1 answer
10.03.2021, 11:38
Integration with Privat Bank
Good afternoon. The account in Privat Bank has changed and now payments are not displayed in OneBox. Tell me how we can connect a new account and y...
1 answer
Analogues (evaluate refinement)
We have an action I need a checkbox that, when replacing a product with an analogue in the added product, would copy the add. process product fiel...
1 answer
10.03.2021, 10:19
Change boxing currency to USD
Good day! Change, be kind, the currency of our boxing to USD.
8 replies
10.03.2021, 09:57
Minute cron stopped working
Minute cron stopped working Here is the time when he last worked Example: Urgent! Orders are not closed with waiting for payment! http://crm.adpar...
10 replies
10.03.2021, 09:53
Viber BSGWorld messages not sending
Viber BSGWorld messages not sending Improved #2015755887 "Revised. use your endpoint in API URL in BSG World SMS and BSG World viber" Mes...