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Application Questions and Answers «»

1 answer
15.04.2021, 11:34
Integration with Justin, box shopforcars.crm-onebox.com
yesterday, logs: turn around, be kind.
8 replies
15.04.2021, 11:10
Several processes are created from Viber messages from one client
Good afternoon! For example, 8 processes were created for the client (screen 1 in one second, despite the fact that the automation settings do not...
6 replies
15.04.2021, 10:40
Filling in the field associated with the New Mail directory does not always work
Good afternoon! There is a problem with filling in the field from the New Mail directory. The process for the test https://crm.ohrana.ua/admin/cust...
7 replies
15.04.2021, 09:08
system not working
Hello, works on https://box.fialan.com/ error 502 Tell me what could be wrong?
2015780568 - Added action "Create a sub-process if there was no "Schedule" date change before the specified time"
Added a new BP action "Create a sub-process if there was no "Schedule" date change before the specified time". The action will ...
2015781297 - Improved the functionality of the "Submit form" action
For the "Submit form" action, the setting "If the contact does not have an email, send an sms with a short link to the form" ha...
2015780582 - Improved functionality of integration with Nova Poshta
For integration with Nova Poshta, the setting "When suggesting addresses in the process, add an area to the city" has been added
2015780584 - Improved display of process history
Added settings: Show changes while the process was in a business process Show changes while process was in status
2015780519 - Improved functionality of integration with UkrPoshta
For integration with UkrPoshta, the ability to set the parameters of several places when forming a TTN has been added
2015782785 - Improvement of integration with UkrPoshta
Improved for integration with Ukrposhta: - setting "Take the weight of the parcel from the additional field of the process"; - the delete...