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Application Questions and Answers «»

41 answer
25.03.2021, 11:11
Official clarification for customers about boxed versions, updates and OneBox OS
Dear Clients! Good news, in short: boxes will continue to be sold, and OneBox OS will be available to everyone. I decided to write this post to cla...
1 answer
Тзов Екомора
Personal license
25.03.2021, 11:02
Incorrect Filtering on the site by filter values
2 answer
25.03.2021, 10:45
No popup on call
Good afternoon! The pop-up window is no longer displayed on incoming and outgoing calls. Integration with Asterisk.
10 replies
25.03.2021, 09:39
transfer of the partner box to the cloud
Greeting, we have a box of 6 licenses, 3 of them have been purchased. according to new information, partners can get the required number of license...
1 answer
25.03.2021, 09:35
Lost SSL certificate
How many hours does it take to fix this problem?
action not working
Specified an action when a condition is met so that the specified value is written to a specific field at the start stage of the business process. ...
2015767246 - Added new action esputnik/Get message status
Added a new action of the business process "esputnik/Get message status" - allows you to get the status of a message from esputnik once a...
2015770266 - Improved functionality of integration with YouScore
For integration with YouScore, the "Get express analysis using a separate button" setting has been improved - this allows you to display ...
2015770766 - Improved the functionality of the action "Check the balance of the client's bonuses and switch the process step"
For the BP action "Check the balance of the client's bonuses and switch the process stage", the setting "Calculation of bonuses ...
4 answer
24.03.2021, 19:43
setup stopped working
For the "parent process" process field, the setting to search only for client processes has stopped working Example http://crm.adparts.co...