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Application Questions and Answers «»

4 answer
07.05.2024, 19:33
We do not see outgoing messages in the chat
We only see messages from customers integration of Facebook Messenger Pro + Chat... Maybe this setting is which??? Please tell me.
4 answer
OneBox mail is not working due to spam
We have configured mail from our server to ONEBox https://techprilad.1b.app/desktop/ But OneBOX mail stopped working due to the following error ...
Make the additional payment field mandatory
Is there a way to make the additional payment field in the add/edit window mandatory?
3 answer
07.05.2024, 10:51
Install ssl certificate
Good afternoon. Box https://crm.meblevakimnata.ua/, you need to update the already reissued certificate in OneBox. Mail for invoice - office@meblev...
0 replies
06.05.2024, 14:28
Update onebox
Good afternoon. Tell me how can I update my onebox system, it is located on our server, after purchasing it we didn’t really use it, I saw that new...
0 replies
06.05.2024, 10:33
When deleting products from one category, all are deleted
Hello. In the category https://cabinet.tehnolavka.com.ua/app/product/?categoryid=36173 I select all products and click delete. But for some reason ...
0 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
03.05.2024, 14:28
A real-life life hack: how a "bug" became a catalyst for system development
How a "mistake" in the work process can become a catalyst for system development: a life hack from real correspondence. Using the example of real ...
is it possible to automate the import of price lists?
There is a price list (XLSX), it can be both a file and a link, it contains all the necessary data for importing products or updating them (all sup...
6 replies
02.05.2024, 17:56
Syntax in the "formula" field
Is it possible to use arithmetic operations in the formula field? What is the correct syntax?
2 answer
Personal license
02.05.2024, 17:15
The import of coupons from Opencart did not work
Import of coupons from Openkart is configured in the system - https://i.imgur.com/CgJ1mly.png A coupon for 10% off the order has been added to the ...