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Application Questions and Answers «Cashflow forecast»

3 answer
07.12.2020, 16:11
Filtering by outgoing payments in MVP
In the previous version, in the filter panel in finance, you could specify a minus sign and filter by outgoing payments https://prnt.sc/vxjgm3 Ther...
3 answer
Finalization of finance
You need a setting that would go to the stage in the add. the payment field would write some value, now we can either fill it in when making a paym...
1 answer
17.11.2020, 11:02
Layout floated in finance
http://crm.mebelok.com/admin/shop/finance/ The layout fell off and the block climbed under the main list https://prnt.sc/vkm0sa And at the bottom o...
1 answer
How to set up automation in the following situation: The employee has a rate. Automated calculation of this rate every month is set up. There was a...
2 answer
22.10.2020, 16:37
Linking processes to processes
The actual payment, boxing does not bind the process, or rather the order. Order to the supplier, finance block - no actual payments are added.