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Application Questions and Answers «Client's personal account»

A couple of improvements for the personal account
https://box.criamo.com/client/ There are fields in the cart. Address (Fig. 1) - you just need to make a dash and the conditions for mandatory sele...
Flew layout switching pages
Here https://box.criamo.com/client/myorders/order/ Switching is not the same as before. Correct plz.
Flew the layout in the personal account in the Address field
https://box.criamo.com/client/ Test client Login TestTest password TestTest12345 Text overlaps in the address. fix plz.
1 answer
26.10.2021, 11:09
Hide description in personal account and add barcode
In the LC page Products https://crm.dobavki.ua/client/product/list/ 1. Do we need to hide the product description? 2. We want to add a column Barc...
3 answer
MVP - evaluate the refinement by an alternative filter by product category
In the personal account there is now a filter by product categories in the form of a drop-down list . It is necessary to finalize the alternative ...
1 answer
MVP - evaluate the improvement in sorting goods in the personal account
We have a products section in the Personal Account /client/product/list/ . If I understand correctly, now sorting by product id works there and th...
2 answer
08.10.2021, 15:39
Is it possible to create an order page for payment and status tracking based on the client's account.
Is it possible to create on the basis of the client's account - an order page for payment and status tracking. Without entering with a password...
1 answer
28.09.2021, 12:48
Products not showing when entering the page
I enter the products page in personal account https://crm.dobavki.ua/client/product/list/ It says "There are no products to display in this ca...
2 answer
500 error when logging in
2 answer
08.09.2021, 22:09
Can't view the document in the client's office
In the https://supero.crm-onebox.com/ box, it is not possible to set up the correct display of documents in the client's account. On the test t...