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Application Questions and Answers «Automation»

Refinement of action_Automatically create a process for products whose price has changed in the last N hours
Good afternoon, previously you did this modification https://kiyservice.1b.app/app/automatization/hour/edit/ https://prnt.sc/ADcFN4W6roWC Is it pos...
1 answer
03.04.2024, 19:14
Sum of two fields
And if you need to perform a function. Let's say there are two additional fields for the digital process. And in the third field of the process you...
BUG!! Cron automation stopped working
TTNs themselves are not created through automation, orders from Prom are not coming in, we’ve been waiting for an hour. Look what the problem is ht...
3 answer
16.02.2024, 13:20
Settings in Universal Product Import (xml/json) are lost
Hello. Yesterday I added products through the Universal Product Import (xml/json) action, everything was added. Today I went to check the box so th...
2 answer
14.02.2024, 21:28
Automation does not work
Good day! Does anyone know why the action in automation "Automatically create a process on a given day of the week" does not work? It is necessary ...
4 answer
17.01.2024, 14:29
"Create process based on missed call" automation stopped working
Good day. "Create process based on missed call" automation not working It worked yesterday and was working normally before. Please help to find out...
3 answer
04.01.2024, 16:54
External ID search template
What should be the correct syntax for this field? https://prnt.sc/IOKNKnq_ZlAn I'm only looking for numbers, example notes "Payment for order 58944...
2 answer
02.01.2024, 18:22
Additional category fields - how to add them?
There is an action "Copy the value of an additional category field to an additional field of products of this category" https://1b.app/ru/forum/cha...
3 answer
Personal license
29.12.2023, 17:12
Integration of balances in XML warehouses (Export)
With the help of the action "Integration of balances in warehouses XML (Export)" we want to configure the unloading of data on the balance of goods...
11 replies
Changing the xml file link
Tell me, is it possible to change the link in xml, the action "Export products to Socket"? SCREEN. In this case, the name of the store (user) must ...