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Application Questions and Answers «Automation»

0 replies
24.03.2025, monday, 17:23
Copied action settings disappear
Congratulations! Found a bug, never seen one like this before. When you copy an action, everything is fine, but when you save it, all settings in t...
1 answer
Automatically calculate the frequency of processes in an additional client field
Good afternoon. Is it possible to get instructions on how to correctly configure "Automatically calculate process frequency in additional client f...
0 replies
17.03.2025, 11:19
here is the process for the test https://askoart.1b.app/29931/ action for the test in automation once per minute at the very top, i.e. 1 The proc...
3 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
13.02.2025, 17:13
The Privat24 Account Statement action does not create a task in the business process specified in its settings
We have several minute actions set up: Privat24 Autoclient Account statement Actions are working Ok But in the settings of this Privat24 A...
4 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
11.02.2025, 16:01
Improvement, add to the upload a selection of additional product fields in automation Generate a price list in XML format
Congratulations, In the automation once per hour: **Generate price list in XML format** you need to add the ability to select additional product f...
3 answer
17.01.2025, 14:54
The problem of universal import of goods
Products are not distributed across supplier categories. Categories are created and products are loaded into the main category
1 answer
10.01.2025, 21:32
The problem of universal import of goods
Products are not distributed across supplier categories. Categories are created and products are uploaded to the main category.
1 answer
30.12.2024, 12:09
When can I expect a paid revision?
2 answer
Action "Integration of warehouse balances XML (Export)" - how to generate a file?
Good afternoon. Please tell me how to correctly get an xml file with warehouse balances? I am attaching a screenshot with the settings, here is the...
8 replies
18.12.2024, 15:06
Universal import of goods does not work
Filter values ​​are not loaded. The filter name is loaded, but the value is NOT.