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Application Questions and Answers «API»

0 replies
15.05.2024, 14:59
Synchronization of balances between OneBox and Zoho
You need to set up the synchronization of balances between OneBox and Zoho, because the balances are current in OneBox, they are drawn from 1C. The...
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Integration of GPTs own trained agent (openAI) with OneBox through the API of the "GPT chat" component
Good day! I would like to learn about the possibilities of integrating external agents of ChatGPT (OpenAI) into the OneBox system using the API htt...
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Personal license
16.10.2023, 20:16
Transfer process to API
Please tell me how to configure the process transfer action in the API so that an XML file is attached to the request? Now, when trying to send a l...