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Application Questions and Answers «API»

2 answer
13.08.2023, 13:01
API Box orders
I am posting the API work log: [2023-08-13 12:19:27] host: vertex24.crm-onebox.com url: /api/orders/add/?login=&password=&ordercode=2447&name=verte...
3 answer
10.08.2023, 14:47
The user is an employee and is active https://prnt.sc/BDtD_Hi84Lt8 Password created, https://prnt.sc/TDDZmR7kNSCf Orders do not arrive, and the bro...
2 answer
13.06.2023, 16:31
API as user
Good day! The situation with RestAPI is not clear It acts as a worker and eats one session (user) Therefore, the employee cannot connect through...
6 replies
30.05.2023, 15:55
Improvements from MVP to OS in API 1c were not transferred
Good day! They did not postpone the development of the MVP, namely: In API settings for 1C https://etg.crm-onebox.com/app/settings/app-api/?int...
Deals are not created when requested via API
There are cases when, when requesting via the API using the - api/orders/add/ method, the server gives the following response: {"result":"fail","er...
2 answer
25.04.2023, 17:15
Evaluate the product/get method in the API, add the Divisibility field
Good day Please evaluate the product/get method in the API and add the Divisibility field thank you
Deals are not created in SRM
We created an integration, in the api application (....app/app-api/) In the logs I see an api request, but deals are not created In the api I see s...
API development
Please rate the update: We need to add the "discount_percent" field to the products array productArray So that it would be possible to transfer th...
1 answer
12.01.2023, 15:07
Transferring orders from external sites via PHP API script
Greetings. We are now accepting orders from landing sites according to the script. Example https://newtrend-shop.com.ua/ua/winter2022/ In each form...
4 answer
06.01.2023, 12:05
how to erase the value of the userlogin field using the API method
Good day. We use the method http://myboxurl/api/contact-update/json/?login=LOGIN&password=PASSWORD&u... It is not possible to rese...