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Application Questions and Answers «API»

5 replies
04.03.2021, 17:42
API Data Transfer
We pass data via API to the deliveryNote field, but the field is overwritten and the main field when we insert the value is called deliverynote. Ho...
1 answer
25.02.2021, 11:18
Consultation on receiving balances via API
Now there is a method /api/storage-balance/get/ It displays all balances for a certain warehouse storagenameid You can make a method so that you ca...
2 answer
25.02.2021, 01:55
Creating orders without creating new contacts
The question is about API Orders. To create an order in the system, it is required to specify the client's email and phone number as mandatory ...
API request to change status
Good afternoon. There is an automatic action when you go to the "change the status of an order on WordPress" stage, please tell me which ...
1 answer
17.02.2021, 09:02
Evaluate the refinement of the "Send a request via api" action in automation for contacts
Evaluate the refinement of the "Send a request via api" action in automation for contacts It is necessary to use the action "Send a ...
1 answer
Rest API not working after update
Hello. The problem is old. Adding a PSU via the API was configured. After buying licenses (a year ago), my box was transferred to their server and ...